Friday, May 7, 2010

barbie sets : The Lovely Barbie Three Story Dream House

The coolest Barbie three story dream house is out. Every little girls' fantasy is now a dream come true. The house is built with a majestic staircase with realistic sounds found in every part of the house. It is complete with household appliances and home decors. This three feet tall and fully furnished house is so cozy, it's Barbie's own castle!

But when did the first Barbie dollhouse came out? The Barbie fashion doll was created by Mattel Inc. In 1959 and has sold millions worth of toy products all over the world. It has become a fashion icon in its self and has expanded its merchandise including clothing, bags, school items and of course- play sets! The most popular among play sets is the Barbie dollhouse. The first Barbie dream house was made available in 1962 and was furnished with simple home decorations trendy during those times. It was made entirely of flimsy cardboard paper but later on changed its material to vinyl and eventually into plastic.

The Barbie houses added a luxurious pool, elevators and working lights in 1970. Though they come in different shapes and sizes, these doll houses are generally made to accommodate the regular sized Barbie doll. Some houses vary in number and sizes of rooms and the types of divisions included in the play set such as kitchens, bedrooms, bathroom, fireplaces and of course stair cases. The Barbie Three Story Dream House was built with an intercom that plays songs and stoves that sizzle while other models had flush toilets, showers and working doorbells. Other houses may have electronic tweaks in them but a majority of Barbie playmates still prefer classy and old style models

Young children spend lots of time playing with play sets such as the Barbie Three Story Dream House because it creates the vision of an ideal household. It reflects a child's imaginative play and formed concept of how a home should be.

Want More Information on Barbie's Three story Dream House?

For more information on the Barbie's Three story Dreamhouse be sure to visit us at where you will find out about the hottest toys of the season.

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